Deftly Avoiding Turning On A Stranger's Lights in Bologna, the Commercial Level ESP8266, Getting Too Close with WiGLE, and What's the Deal with Home Automation Anyway? - Fri, Jan 18, 2019
Another IoT home device today. At this point I’m picturing the people with these things basically having a Wallace and Gromit style lifestyle (note: I do have a wifi plug and yes this is my lifestyle). This one was inspired by another search I didn’t recognize, for “Sonoff”.
A Sonoff wifi enabled plug on
Sonoff is a company that makes IoT plugs and switches, as well as a couple of models of IoT fans and light bulbs. What’s interesting about Sonoff is that many of their cheapest switches are just ESP8266 boards with a casing, making them very easy to hack. I just picked the first Sonoff that showed up in my Shodan search, in Italy. Shodan said it was running a web app on port 80, so I checked it out in a browser. The firmware’s out of date! Probably should get that taken care of. More interestingly there is a big old Toggle button calling out to be toggled. If it’s a switch that probably turns the current on and off so I resisted.
Looking up Sonoff-Tasmota I found that it is a homebrewed version of the Sonoff firmware, so this device is either a hacked Sonoff original or a Sonoff clone running off of someone’s ESP8266 board. Let’s check out that console! Looks like it’s mostly been taking commands via MQTT. Looking more closely… there’s the wifi name! “Angelozzi”. Well what could we do with that information? Check it on WiGLE of course! WiGLE is a global database of wifi and cell networks, promising “All the networks. Found by Everyone.” They tag SSID names and other information to latitude and longitudes. And yes it looks like they had six wifi networks named “Angelozzi”, three of which were in New Jersey, one in Canada, one in South Africa, and yes, one in Italy. In Bologna. Again I get the vertigo of overconnection.
I decided to give it an nmap
just for good measure.
👻🌵🔮 $ nmap -p-
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2019-01-18 12:33 PST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.26s latency).
Not shown: 65530 filtered ports
80/tcp open http
3218/tcp open smartpackets
5001/tcp closed commplex-link
7170/tcp open nsrp
8123/tcp open polipo
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 899.80 seconds
As soon as I did though I noticed that something weird was happening on the console: the Sonoff had lost connection with whatever device had been MQTTing it? What this because I’d started flooding it with ping probes? Possibly? It seemed to be able to connect again once my scan was done. After a little fiddling around with these ports I found that the Sonoff device was talking with an open source home automation system called Home Assistant, which must be the device it’s MQTTing to at, using the classic MQTT port of 1883. It’s probably running on a Raspberry Pi. See you tomorrow.
PS here’s my tavel traceroute, from Bru Coffee in LA to Bologna, Italy.
👻🌵🔮 $ traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 13.126 ms 4.592 ms 5.124 ms
2 ( 41.680 ms 29.273 ms 21.619 ms
3 ( 24.239 ms 27.124 ms 17.349 ms
4 ( 32.097 ms 29.944 ms 28.588 ms
5 ( 22.269 ms 31.283 ms 26.081 ms
6 ( 23.669 ms 31.205 ms 25.566 ms
7 ( 31.582 ms ( 34.261 ms 34.340 ms
8 ( 29.547 ms ( 19.141 ms 27.934 ms
9 ( 26.435 ms 40.361 ms 22.727 ms
10 ( 57.961 ms 57.910 ms 60.878 ms
11 ( 62.587 ms 56.098 ms 52.617 ms
12 ( 62.522 ms 190.974 ms 160.970 ms
13 ( 253.123 ms 196.899 ms 200.779 ms
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